Service K-9 Training, Delivery and Maintenance
We offer K-9 selection, training and delivery of the following service dogs. MAKOR K-9 is also a certified & licensed Battle Born K9 training facility. If you have a custom need that is not listed below, please contact us about your need.

Please note that we also offer K-9 Maintenance Training and International Imports, details of which are lower down on this page.


Regardless of where you acquired your dog, MAKOR K-9 offers a wide range of cost effective, innovative, intense, and stimulating maintenance programs covering all aspects of police patrol and detection K-9 training, as well as personal and executive protection canine training. Individual programs can be tailored for the clients specific goal(s) and will vary in length of time. All MAKOR K-9 maintenance programs are designed to maximize the working potential of every dog, regardless of the dogs current level of training. All maintenance programs are on-going and continuous enrollment is available.

  • Patrol Service » one day a month, twelve month contract
  • Narcotic Detection » one day a month, twelve month contract
  • Explosive Detection » one day a month, twelve month contract
  • Contraband Detection (tobacco, cell phone, other contraband as requested)
  • Personal and Executive Protection » contact for quote


MAKOR K-9 Training Center imports on a regular basis some of the finest working dogs available anywhere in the world. All of our imported dogs are hand selected and thoroughly pretested for the required skills and characteristics necessary to assure superior working precision. Excellent imported dogs are available from “green” or at any other level training desired.

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